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Systems Inventory

DG Systems Inventory


An inventory of Georgia Tech Information Systems ensures proper accounting of the institution’s technology assets and identification of individuals who have a responsibility for those assets. An inventory also creates a foundation for categorizing Organizational Data within Information Systems and mapping the relationships and data flows between them. Additional documentation informs proper use and reporting, retention and disposition requirements, and contingency plans for unexpected events.


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Related Policies

Data Governance and Management Policy

Related Guidelines, Procedures, and Resources


Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the same meaning as set forth in the Data Governance and Management Policy


Responsible Technical Manager
Data Steward
Accountable System Owner
Associate Data Trustee
Support Associate Data Steward
Data Domain & Technology Sub-Committees
Consulted Data Governance team
Informed Data Administrator
Data User


Creating and maintaining inventory details for an Information System

The Technical Manager must create and maintain inventory details of an Information System. Many inventory details will require collaboration with one or more Data Stewards depending on the Organizational Data within the Information System.

Information Systems must include inventory elements 1 through 7. Mission-Critical Systems must include all inventory elements listed below.

  1. System name
  2. Function and purpose of the system
  3. Technical responsibilities for each of the following roles as defined in the Georgia Tech Data Governance & Management Policy. Include name, title, unit, and email address.
    1. System Owner
    2. Technical Manager
    3. Data Administrator
  4. Functional responsibilities for each of the following roles as defined in the Georgia Tech Data Governance & Management Policy. Each role is required for each Data Domain of Organizational Data within the Information System. Include name, title, unit, and email address.
    1. Data Trustee(s)
    2. Associate Data Trustee(s)
    3. Data Steward(s)
    4. Associate Data Steward(s) (where applicable)
  5. Data categorizations representing the Data Domains and their Data Elements within the Information System
    1. Data Management Categorization
    2. Data Protection Categorization
    3. Data Regulation Categorization
  6. Location Country, including location of the server, backups, processing, etc.
  7. Data availability (see Procedure below)
  8. Any methods being applied to sustain data quality
  9. User and technical guidelines for proper use and reporting
  10. Contingency documentation
  11. Special data retention and disposition requirements
  12. Any important relationships and/or dependencies in business practice and reporting between systems
  13. Process flow diagrams
Communicating details about an Information System’s data availability

The Technical Manager must communicate to Data Users details about an Information System’s data availability. This communication must include:

  1. The periods of time an Information System is typically available
  2. Expectations of uptime (i.e., percent of time data is available), where appropriate
  3. Modes of access supported for the Information System (e.g., type of device, type and version of web browser)
  4. A documented communications plan and channel around both planned and unexpected system downtime. For Mission-Critical Systems, this must be through a communications channel approved by the Data Governance Committee.
  5. A publicized method for Data Users to report an unexpected lack of availability of an Information System. For Mission-Critical Systems, this must be through a method approved by the Data Governance Committee.




Is there an enterprise systems inventory repository to capture this information?

The Enterprise Systems Inventory can be found in the Business Application Catalog (GT Login Required). This is a living document that will be periodically updated as new Business Applications are identified.

Note: This inventory does not include supporting IT Applications (e.g., Microsoft 365) at Georgia Tech.

What is the approved channel for communicating planned and unexpected downtime for a Mission-Critical System?

The OIT service found at

What is the approved method for Data Users to report unexpected lack of availability of a Mission-Critical System?

The OIT Enterprise Service Desk should be contacted via, email (, or telephone (404-385-1111).


Revision Date Author Description
2022-10-28 David Mack, Data Governance Updated resources to include Business Application Catalog
2021-07-27 Zachary Hayes, Data Governance New