Data Governance and Management Policy
Information is critical to administration, planning, and decision-making and is a strategic asset of the Georgia Institute of Technology and the University System of Georgia. To effectively and responsibly use information, data must be necessary and relevant, secure, well documented, and accessible for use by authorized, trained personnel as outlined in this policy and the corresponding guidelines, procedures, and resources.

Cyber Security Policy
The purpose of this policy is to provide the guiding principles for securing information technology resources at Georgia Tech.

Data Privacy Policy
This policy provides the standards the Institute follows when accessing the files and communications of its students and employees. In the interest of promoting academic freedom and the mission of the Institute, the Georgia Institute of Technology recognizes its obligation not to infringe upon the reasonable privacy expectations of its employees and students in their electronic communications and data.

Acceptable Use Policy
The purpose of this policy is to provide the guiding principles for use of information technology resources at Georgia Tech.