Data Warehouse

The Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) combines data from many source systems on campus into a single repository guided by business processes and information from our Data Stewards.
With this data, we provide services to help uncover trends, enable critical thinking, and help in the Institution’s operational decision-making.

Illustration of Data Warehouse

Data Warehouse

EDW Service Request

The Enterprise Data Warehouse gives Georgia Tech access to cleaner, more secure data. Learn how your unit can utilize the EDW to better leverage and store your data.


Icon for Data Warehouse Access: connected servers

Access to the EDW

Request access to the EDW. You will need to fill out a request form and EDW team will review your request.

Request Access

Icon for consulting with EDW team: dialogues

Consult with the EDW team

If you want to store your data on EDW, report an issue, or have other requests, please consult with the EDW team:

Contact Us

How Enterprise Data Warehouse works

Illustration of how enterprise data warehouse works including data preparation, data consumption and data loading.

Development Methodology

The software development methodology being employed in the build of the Enterprise Data Warehouse consists of 10 major steps.

Illustration of 10-stage software development methodology: including: requirements, model business events, logical modeling, source to target mapping,  DDL creation, ETL team design review, ETL development, code review, release management and migration to higher environments

EDW Topology

High-level view of the entire EDW architecture.

Illustration of EDW Topology including: source systems, operational data store, dimensional data warehouse and consumers